Transworld Blog

From business brokerage to mergers and acquisitions; we are the business sale specialists.

Jonathan Thielen

Jonathan Thielen

Experienced in sales, marketing, tech, finance and operations. 20 + years in leadership with AOL/, NCO/Internet Marketing, Inc, and My focus has been in employee engagement, LEAN principles, continuous improvement, accountability, brand strategy, creating a proven process, and most importantly improving the customer experience.

Recent Posts:

Capturing Full Value For Your Business Sale

Guest Blog by Jonathan Thielen I just sold our business for eleven times profit or 2.5 times revenue. Many in the industry would call this a successful sale. The company is a rental and employment screening company conducting background checks on people. I get this question often. "How did you capture the full value of the company and/or sell it for those multiples?" I even get that from my private equity friends. Read on for a breakdown on how we did it, and takeaways on how you can, too.

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